In SKN University of the West Indies – Open Campus

The University of the West Indies, whose mission statement is “To advance education and create knowledge through excellence in teaching, research, innovation, public service, intellectual leadership and outreach in order to support the inclusive (social, economic, political, cultural, environmental) development of the Caribbean region and beyond, expects that by 2017, it will “be globally recognized as a regionally integrated, innovative, internationally competitive university…”  With its core values being “integrity, intellectual freedom, excellence, civic responsibility, accessibility, diversity and equity” it may very well even surpass its expectations in that timeframe.


The Open Campus is an amalgamation of the previous Office of the Board for Non-Campus Countries & Distance Education, the School of Continuing Studies, the UWI Distance Education Centre, and the Tertiary Level Institutions Unit and has nearly 50 physical site locations in 17 English-speaking Caribbean countries, offering multi-mode teaching and learning services through virtual and physical site locations across the Caribbean region.

 With its unique approach it enhances the student experience–offering a three-tiered registration structure suiting particular needs and educational backgrounds. The system allows for students to move and transfer within the entire University system to reach the required standard.  Working closely with its sister UWI Campuses at Cave Hill, Mona and St. Augustine to offer many academic options in many key areas for Caribbean and global markets, the Campus turns out high-quality undergraduate, graduate and continuing and professional education programs and courses, having been designed in direct response to meeting the changing educational and training needs of the underserved communities across the Caribbean region.

 Strategic Options  Develop a consistent and effective approach to product management and rationalisation * Expand the UWI Open Campus footprint * Promote and undertake research as a vehicle for Caribbean development especially within the UWI-12 * Build strategic networks regionally and globally to support the university’s mission and vision and core values * Continue to create inter-departmental alignment and system integration to support core business

For More & Contact Information:

Open Campus St. Kitts & Nevis

PO Box 326

Basseterre, St. Kitts, WI

Tel: (869) 465-2190 or Fax: (869) 465-6583

Tel: (869) 469-0387 (Nevis)



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